
Driving from block to block

After defining blocks and after profiling engines you can bind engines to blocks.

Binding engines to blocks

Remarks: Binding engines to blocks is only in professional version!.


To bind engine to block press right mouse button on block and select (from local menu): 'bind engine to block' and one of block from list.


After bind engine to block you can:

arrow Turn engine around:


arrow if engine is in correct position but on end of train select: Engine on beginning/end of train


arrow if engine is in correct position but directed for forefront of train rear, select 'Engine hear/rear'


Setting passage

After bind engine to block you can set passage to next block.

Just press left mouse button on starting block end. Actual passage will be sign by colour


If you change switch on signed passage than program will automatically correct passage.

To automatically find then nearest way between two blocks first press left mouse button on starting block end. Next press left mouse button on destination block end. Program will try to find then shortest passage between this two points(means: passage with smallest quantity of switches on it)..


To remove actual passage just press again on starting block end.

Engine drive from block to block

To order engine start moving along selecting passage press right mouse button on starting block end and select one of following


arrow Reserve passage - marks passage as reserved, but doesn't start train
arrow Start train - marks passage as occupied and start train. The same can be done by double click on block end or by key bind to signal.

After reach next block (and detect by feedback system) train will be automaticaly stoped and the passage will be mark as free.

If there are any other accessories on passage (e.g. barrier) program will switch then on (lower a barrier) and after free passage switch them off (rise a barrier).

If before train reach next block you set following passage from that block than engine will not stop but by-pass block.

Emergency situations

After reserve passage or start train in emergency you can:


arrow Stop train - stop train
arrow Cancel passage - stop train and cancel passage reservation (to the end)
arrow Train is on next block - move train (logically on program) to the next block and free passage to them.
arrow Cancel reserve for tail of train - if train enter block then program can leave previous passage as reserved (for train tail) (in future: if train length is greater then block length). This function remove this reservation.

Manual engine control

After switching on 'Manual engine control' engine speed is not changed by program after following operations

arrow Start train from block
arrow Enter block by train

This is a new fun play with control trains on model railroads: one person sets green light on semaphore, second person control train using throttle.

Created by system. Last Modification: Sunday 31 May, 2009 22:45:45 CEST by admin.